Electric Metering and Measurement
The ADRES electric submeter is a "bolt-on" self-contained submeter equipped to measure, record and datalog electric energy consumed for the entire building or a subsystem or individual piece of equipment. The ADRES electric meter comes in two versions: a single phase or three-phase model. Applicable voltages supported for the single phase model is up to 240 VAC. The three-phase model will support up to 600 VAC. External current transformers are ordered based on submeter amperage ratings. The ADRES Submeter will store all electric consumption data in 15 minute intervals as well as cumulative overall. The ADRES submeter has an embedded cellular modem that provides the secure and encripted communication link. The data is automatically transmitted daily to the remote servers and can also report real-time consumption upon request. The ADRES Submeter is tied directly to the ADRES Solution to automatically provide the meter data matched to ADRES Controller data to perform a pre- and post-measurement and verification analysis with resulting report.